TTR: about two days
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Seriously, guys, it's not often that I read one book by an author and slap them into my little black book of favorite authors who will one day suffer at my hands ala Stephen King's Misery. Haha. Just kidding. I'm too busy hobbling myself so that I can't leave my desk and am forced to write my own novels. Please don't shun me, favorite authors! I promise not to go all Annie Wilkes on you. I'm not even a nurse. It does't even snow where I live, not usually.
There are few books that make me chuckle and snicker and grimace and and weep little girly tears on almost every page, and Confessions of a Freelance Penmonkey is one of them (the Bloggess' book, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, is another one of those books, but I have not yet finished it 'cause I haven't actually purchased it, yet. I just read the bits I could for free on Amazon, 'cause I'm cheap like that. What? Don't look at me like that. Your eyes are like needles right now. I just graduated, I'm broke and looking for a full time job. I'M MELTING. Oh, wait, you're just giving me that look because there's an obvious solution? The library, you say? I think I might have one of those library card thingies...it's buried under the broken shells of a million Kindles, but hey, I'll give it a go).
Gurg. I've taken up too much time on crazed parenthetical rants again, haven't I? Well, here's what I said about the book on Facebook:
Best thing I've read all day: "Remember: someone paid Shakespeare. He didn't do it 'for the love'...Shakespeare got to get paid, son." From CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE PEN MONKEY. |
If you're a writer, read this book. If you or someone you love knows or is a writer, read this book Yes, I sound like one of those Melanoma commercials right now. Maybe I should apply to be the voice of those commercials....
I'm just gonna stop typing now...
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